Moving Out and Mugs On

Hey friends,

Big week as I moved out over the last couple of days. I'm now renting my own place with a flatmate. I've sort of settled in and just need to unpack all the stuff I brought over.

One of the recent graduates at our workplace left for a job closer to his home. Upon leaving, we discovered that he left 13 dirty mugs in his locker. What a surprise that was. Why did he leave so many dirty mugs in his locker?

Footy season is starting today, am super keen for it. It's gonna be a cracking season.

Long weekend was great. Aside from the move, I went to a bon'fire' when it thunderstormed on Sunday and well gelled some card games on Monday.

I revisited a brunch place in Box Hill called Zero Mode. I think they have some of the best chips I've had in Melbourne. Unfortunately I did not have the stomach space to eat them again 😔.

Revisiting the mug story, our manager investigated further by asking them via text. The reason was because he was too scared to put it back in the kitchen without getting caught in awkward small talk. I now have more questions. Wouldn't he risk awkward small talk to begin with when he goes to the kitchen to get tea/coffee? Maybe it's for the best that he left 😅.

Keep well and stay swell~
