Use a Password Manager

Hey friends,

If you're like me, remembering passwords is hard. That's why I used to use similar passwords over multiple websites, but it wasn't very secure.

I've been trying out Bitwarden over the past month, which is a free password manager. It worked seamlessly with Google Chrome, and is available on any browser. It was great on the phone, iPhones and Androids alike. It just takes a bit of playing around with the phone settings to make it the default choice for passwords.

I only implemented it for a few passwords at the start, and slowly added more each time I resetted a password. The laziness in me thanks the software for auto-generating new passwords to use for each site. It was quite handy to only require one master password to access to all my other passwords.

When autofilling sites, it's a bit finicky at first, but that's normal with anything you're new to. It's great having a universal keyboard shortcut to activate the extension. FaceID is also effective on the phone.

The only annoying thing is when websites have extremely specific password criteria, especially those that restrict character length or don't allow symbols. It's definitely a minor inconvenience to edit the settings of the auto-generated password to adhere to the site's restrictions.

Bitwarden is free, so there's no reason to not use a password manager. Future you will thank you.

Keep well and stay swell~
