Book Review - This is Going to Hurt

Adam Kay's 'This is Going to Hurt' provides insight on what it is like to work as a junior doctor in the UK. There is no need to have a scientific background to understand the medical terminologies used in this book.

'This is Going to Hurt' is a light read with plenty of funny anecdotes on what Adam experienced as doctor. Adam focuses on obstetrics and gynaecology (female reproductive system) examples but I've noted a few of his broader anecdotes below.

A patient once requested an emergency at 1am because they needed to have their passport application countersigned by a doctor before they were discharged from the hospital in the morning. Priorities.

A patient once complained about a large number of painless spots in their tongue. Diagnosis: taste buds.

After Adam completed his first caesarean section (method of delivering a baby), his registrar congratulates him on doing amazingly well. Adam then realises that his registrar is actually talking to the mum. It was a common theme in this book for Adam to want praise, but not receive it.

Overall, I recommend this book as it provides an interesting perspective of what it's like to be a doctor.