Sink Strainer Shenanigans

Hey friends

For some reason my roommate did not have a sink strainer when I moved in. How annoying.

I've had a sink strainer on my to buy list for a month now and what a journey it has been.

It first began when I browsed the local stores in Carnegie.

Woolworths did not have sink strainers, but the Asian Grocery Store did!

I  already knew it was going to be too big, but decided to yolo it anyway.

What's the worst that could happen right?

Well then, that's not ideal.

I then continued my sink strainer quest in the city.

I wasted 30 minutes in Kmart before finding a 2 pack at Big W.

That being said, why do Big W sell them in 2 packs. Why would I need an extra one?

Only now, do I decide to get some measurements.

Using my phone as a ruler of course because I don't have a tape measure or an actual ruler.

Turns out the kitchen sinkhole was not traditionally sized.

With a bit of online magic I was able to order one on Ebay with a relatively long delivery time.

Now is the moment of truth...


3 attempts and $10 down the drain.

It was well worth it in the end.

Keep well and stay swell~
